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- TidBITS#01/16-Apr-90
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
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- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- What's News in Netnews
- Lotus, Novell merge
- New Programs from ACIUS
- SE Monitor & Accelerator
- QMS's Font Freedom
- Keyboard Construction Kit
- Electrical Networking
- 3.5" Erasable Optical Due
- HyperCard, meet dBASE
- Reviews/09-Apr-90
- Reviews/16-Apr-90
- What's News in Netnews
- ----------------------
- For anyone working on a IIci with After Dark, the screensaver from
- Berkeley Systems, you should upgrade to version 1.1c. The new
- version fixes a bug that causes crashes when the screensaver kicks
- in while DAs are open. It also includes a Randomizer INIT, which
- allows the screensaver to automatically switch modules after a
- specified time interval, and several new modules, including
- Spheres (which draws 3-D spheres on the screen, Draino (which
- swirls your Mac screen down a drain in the middle of the screen),
- and TacTiles (which fills the screen with a tile pattern). Also
- included are several previously released modules, Shredded
- Crystals and Starry Skyline. The upgrade is available from on-line
- services.
- Information from:
- Bruce Burkhalter of Berkeley Systems -- bruce@cory.berkeley.edu
- Another option when Outbound
- The Outbound portable Macintosh has received attention because of
- its method of avoiding Apple's copyrights. The purchased must own
- a Mac Plus or SE, and the Plus or SE ROMs are used in the
- Outbound. However, it is possible to purchase ROMs legally through
- certain dealers. Such ROMs have been used legally for several
- years by owners of the Spectre 128 and GCR, Macintosh emulators
- for the Atari ST from Gadgets By Small, Inc. In addition, Outbound
- will be offering replacement ROMs for the Outbound's host that
- will allow it to be a dedicated AppleShare server when the
- Outbound is not connected.
- Information from:
- Alex Pournelle -- alex@grian.cps.altadena.ca.us
- Refilling DeskWriter Cartridges
- Some users have complained about the relatively high price of the
- ink cartridges for HP's popular DeskJet, DeskJet+, and DeskWriter
- printers. Judging from numerous discussions on Usenet, it is
- possible to use a syringe to refill the cartridges with good
- quality fountain pen ink (which is also water-soluble, sorry). Be
- warned that HP does not condone such measures and you may clog or
- otherwise damage the ink jets on your printer.
- Lotus, Novell merge
- -------------------
- In an blow to industry leader Microsoft, Lotus and Novell merged
- last week to form a corporation worth about $1.5 billion dollars.
- The merger does not affect the Macintosh market as directly as the
- PC market, because neither Lotus nor Novell has been a major
- player in the Macintosh market despite several abortive attempts
- by Lotus. Novell's networking software has yet to win a major
- following in the Macintosh market as well, due to the preeminence
- of Apple's own AppleShare software. However, the fate of Microsoft
- is almost as tightly interwoven with the Macintosh as it is with
- the PC world and the Lotus/Novell alliance will undoubtedly affect
- Microsoft's ability to dictate the course of personal computing.
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14, pg. 1
- InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 1
- PC WEEK -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 7, #14, pg. 1
- New Programs from ACIUS
- -----------------------
- ACIUS, the developer of 4th Dimension, announced a host of new
- programs in many sectors of the market. Included in the product
- announcement are 4D Write, 4D Calc, Graph 3D, 4D Draw, 4D Compiler
- Kit, 4D External Kit, 4D SQL Server, and 4D Connectivity Kit.
- All of the new products can be integrated tightly with 4D, and
- include the same sort of inter-application communication that
- Apple promises will be in System 7.0. It is unlikely that each
- application on its own will be able to compete with the popular
- and powerful programs in that field, such as MacDraw, Nisus, Word,
- Excel, and Wingz, but the links with each other and 4D will give a
- whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.
- An especially exciting feature of the newly announced packages is
- that each module will automatically install a set of commands in
- the 4D language, allowing programmers to control the modules in
- their applications.
- ACIUS -- 408/252-4444
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14,pg. 1
- InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40
- SE Monitor & Accelerator
- ------------------------
- Mobius Technologies has another option for SE owners who are
- running low on screen real estate and speed at the same time. The
- 15" full-page monitor is only 1-bit monochrome, but has a 78-Hz
- refresh rate and includes a 16 MHz 68000 accelerator card to
- double the speed of the SE. The best news is the price, only $695.
- The new Mobius monitor competes directly with the Radius Full Page
- Display and the Sigma Designs SilverView for the SE, neither of
- which come with acceleration.
- The trick when buying a monitor is to use it for a while first (or
- be able to return it within a month or some such deal) because
- large monitor quality is very subjective. Also, be aware that
- large monitors require more processing from the CPU, and will thus
- slow down the Mac. So even if Mobius's accelerator board doubles
- the Mac's speed, updating the larger screen will cut into that
- speed increase somewhat.
- Related articles:
- InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40
- QMS's Font Freedom
- ------------------
- QMS announced a $49.95 ATM-like INIT called Font Freedom that
- provides smooth fonts on the screen and on QuickDraw printers. No
- benchmarks regarding speed were mentioned, but Font Freedom will
- ship with 24 typefaces in comparison to ATM's 13. Note that there
- are between 1 and 4 typefaces in each font, which is why ATM
- really only has 4 fonts included. Font Freedom's will include the
- basic fonts in the LaserWriter+, fonts which must be purchased
- separately from Adobe in their Plus Pack. Type 1 PostScript fonts
- (fonts with Adobe hints) are supported, with Type 3 fonts (non-
- hinted fonts created with a program such as Fontographer)
- supported eventually.
- The introduction of Font Freedom adds another level of complexity
- to the font war between the PostScript camp (Adobe/IBM/NeXT) and
- the TrueType camp (Apple/Microsoft). Font Freedom will compete
- mostly on its display speed, print quality, and memory
- requirements, all of which are still unknown.
- QMS -- 800/635-3997 -- 205/633-4300
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14 pg. 14
- InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40
- Keyboard Construction Kit
- -------------------------
- Datadesk introduced the Switchboard, a new extended keyboard with
- a twistit has several modules which can be moved around and
- swapped in and out of the basic keyboard case. So far Datadesk has
- a trackball module, a function key module that fits on either side
- of the main keys, and a macro key module that goes above the
- fifteen horizontal function keys. In addition from the
- Switchboard's chameleon abilities, it can hook to every Macintosh,
- including the Plus as well as all IBM-clones. That's flexible!
- Information from:
- Usenet, comp.sys.mac
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 17-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #15, pg. 53
- Macworld -- Jul-90, pg. 109
- Electrical Networking
- ---------------------
- Carrier Current Technologies recently said that it would increase
- the speed of Carrier-Net, a network adapter for PC-compatibles
- that runs at 38,400 bits per second (bps) over standard electrical
- wiring. Users attach a Carrier-Net adapter box to the serial port
- of the computer and plug it in to the electrical outlet, which
- carries the network signal. Carrier Current plans to be able to
- reach 115,000 bps this fall and up to 4 megabits per second
- sometime later by using multiple channel technology. The company
- has announced no plans for AppleTalk support, but with the maximum
- speed of AppleTalk at 234,000 bps, such a product might be
- possible. Carrier -Net is currently limited to in-building wiring
- because the network signals cannot pass through a transformer, but
- Carrier Current is working on a gateway solution.
- A major cost of networking is laying and maintaining the network
- wiring, so a technology such as Carrier-Net would be much easier
- to work with than conventional wiring techniques. Another solution
- to the wiring problem is radio frequency transmission, but that
- too is limited to the PC world. A company called OCI markets a
- product called LAWN (Local Area Wireless Network), which, like
- Carrier-Net, is currently limited to 38,400 bps and has a limited
- range but requires no additional wiring. Should either technology
- attain a speed quick enough to run AppleTalk, it would undoubtedly
- become popular with Macintosh users, considering the ease of
- networking the Mac and the introduction of FileShare in Apple's
- System 7.0.
- Carrier Current Technologies -- 800/222-0377
- OCI -- 800/OCI-LAWN
- Related articles:
- InfoWorld -- 16-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #16, pg. 24
- InfoWorld -- 11-Jun-90, Vol. 12, #24, pg. 33
- 3.5" Erasable Optical Due
- -------------------------
- The first 3.5" erasable optical drive was announced recently by
- Pinnacle Micro Inc., which claims that the drive's average seek
- time is a mere 28 milliseconds, far below that offered by the
- 5.25" standard erasable optical disks. Each $129 disk will store
- 128 megabytes of information, less than the 650 megabytes that the
- 5.25" drives will hold. However, the list price on the drive is
- $2995, so street prices should be less than the $3500 or so that
- the 5.25" drives cost. Compared to a 105 megabyte Quantum hard
- disk, the Pinnacle erasable optical is still expensive at about
- $24 per megabyte, but adding additional disks lowers the price per
- megabyte significantly. For graphic designers who wish to store
- large 24-bit images or anyone who needs a large amount of storage,
- the Pinnacle 3.5" drive will provide it at a reasonable speed,
- unlike its 5.25" brethren.
- Pinnacle Micro, Inc. -- 800/553-7070 -- 714/727-3300
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 17-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #15, pg. 4
- InfoWorld -- 23-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #17, pg. 6
- HyperCard, meet dBASE
- ---------------------
- At Macworld Expo, Symmetry Software demonstrated Dashboard DB, a
- HyperCard toolkit that will allow developers to create front-ends
- to large, pre-existing database in dBASE format. The toolkit,
- which is schedule to ship in June, will cost $129 and will give
- HyperCard the ability to modify and search for records in dBASE
- format databases. Hopefully, the availability of Dashboard DB will
- help the Macintosh gain a foothold in companies locked into PC
- platforms due to the format of their databases. Similar products
- are available to allow HyperCard to interact with Oracle
- databases, Omnis 5 databases, and databases created with ACIUS's
- 4th Dimension.
- Symmetry Software Corp. -- 602/998-9106
- Related articles:
- MacWEEK -- 17-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #15, pg. 15
- Reviews/09-Apr-90
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Macintosh IIfx -- pg. 96
- PhotoMac vs. ColorStudio vs. Photoshop -- pg. 102
- PrecisionColor monitor calibrator, pg. 114
- Pivot monitor -- pg. 114
- Boomerang & Shortcut -- pg. 124
- Smart Remote & On-Command -- pg. 125
- * InfoWorld
- Dvorak's Guide to PC Telecommunications -- pg. 90
- MacWrite II 1.1 vs. WriteNow 2.2 -- pg. 99
- 24 bit color cards for the Mac II -- pg. 75
- Venice 640 (Neutral Ltd.)
- ColorBoard 264 (RasterOps)
- ColorCard/24 (SuperMac)
- Multimedia presentation programs -- pg. 83
- HyperCard 1.2.2
- Studio/1 1.0
- MacRecorder 2.0/ScreenRecorder
- Director 1.0.1
- SuperCard 1.0
- Peer-to-Peer LANs -- pg. 89
- Personal Server Network (IPT)
- EasyShare 1.0 (ShirtPocket Software)
- FileShare (Apple in System 7.0)
- * Macworld
- Macintosh IIfx -- pg. 280
- Publishing programs -- pg. 290
- Multi-Ad Creator
- PageMaker 4.0
- QuarkXPress 3.0
- DesignStudio 1.0
- ReadySetGo 4.5
- Publish-It 1.1
- QuarkStyle 1.0
- Springboard Publisher II 2.0
- Relational Databases -- pg. 316
- 4th Dimension 2.0.10
- FoxBase+/Mac 2.00
- Omnis 5
- Double Helix 3
- Audiomedia 1.2 -- pg. 342
- PosterWorks 1.01 -- pg. 343
- MicroTV 1.1 -- pg. 346
- MSF-300Z Color/Gray Scanner -- pg. 348
- DeltaGraph 1.0 -- pg. 350
- SuperANOVA 1.01 -- pg. 353
- Cause 1.0.4 -- pg. 355
- Theorist 1.01 -- pg. 359
- The Complete Page Scanner -- pg. 360
- M.Y.O.B 1.0 -- pg. 362
- Remote Mouse -- pg. 364
- Finale 2.0 -- pg. 366
- Abaton 8-bit Upgrade Kit -- pg. 369
- The Art Importer & Fontographer 3.0 -- pg. 373
- JMP 1.01 -- pg. 375
- Pipe Dream -- pg. 379
- WorkBenchMac 3.0 -- pg. 380
- Spelling checkers -- pg. 384
- Thunder II 1.0.1
- Spellswell 2.1c
- Lookup 2.0
- Abbre-V-8 1.0 -- pg. 389
- MapMaker 4.0 -- pg. 391
- DeskPaint 2.01C & DeskDraw 1.3 -- pg. 393
- Pointing Devices -- pg. 394
- The Cordless Mouse
- Felix
- RollerMouse
- Wiz
- BizPlanBuilder 3.1 -- pg. 396
- Phone Line Manager 103 -- pg. 398
- MarkUp 1.01 -- pg. 400
- Igor 1.1 -- pg. 403
- * MacUser
- MicroTV -- pg. 54
- TypeAlign -- pg. 55
- Label printers -- pg. 57
- LabelWriter
- SmartLabel Printer
- FastCache IIci & Marathon Racer -- pg. 59
- Music software -- pg. 61
- Finale 2.0
- MusicProse
- Encore
- IdeaFisher & MindLink -- pg. 67
- Ishido -- pg. 71
- Spelling Coach Professional -- pg. 74
- HyperBASIC -- pg. 78
- StrataVISION 3D -- pg. 95
- Disk security -- pg. 97
- Advanced Security
- DiskLock
- FileGuard
- Ashlar Vellum -- pg. 98
- QMS-PS 820 turbo -- pg. 104
- White Knight -- pg. 106
- TypeStyler -- pg. 110
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14
- InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15
- PC WEEK -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 7, #14
- Macworld -- Mar-90
- MacUser -- Mar-90
- Reviews/16-Apr-90
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- ColorSpace IIi & FX video boards, pg. 37
- GeoQuery 2.0, pg. 46
- LapLink Mac III, pg. 46
- UltraPaint, pg. 48
- Fastback Tape drive, pg. 48
- Fastback II version 2.0, pg. 48
- Accounting software, pg. 116
- Great Plains Accounting Series 5.2
- Assistant Controller Series 5.8
- Database Accounting Library: Series Six Plus
- Champion III Business Accounting Software
- Buyer's Guide to Color Printers, pg. 133
- * InfoWorld
- Macintosh IIfx, pg. 83
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 17-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #15
- PC WEEK -- 16-Apr-90, Vol. 7, #15
- InfoWorld -- 16-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #16
- ..
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